School of Brain Cells & Circuits "Camillo Golgi"

Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice (Italy)

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Three abstracts will receive the Erice School award for best 2024 research! 

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 30th November 2024 at 18:00 (Central European Time).

Applications to attend the course are accepted independently of abstract submission.

All abstracts that will be accepted will be presented as traditional posters (to be hung on poster boards that are 80mm wide x 110mm hight, portrait) + 3 minutes lightning talk during the conference. Abstracts will be reviewed as they come through.

Abstract format

Font & size – free to use whatever you want.

Title – 500 characters

Affiliations – please include full affiliations (Department, University, City, Country + one email address)

Text – 1000 words

Acknowledgements – 500 characters

References – 10000 characters

Figures – maximum of 10 figures including tables.

SAVE your abstract as a single WORD document (NO PDF please) file only, including everything in one document (i.e. embed figures and tables in the file. Do not send separately, thanks!)

Also, please make sure that figures and tables have legends and are cited in the abstract. All references included in the reference list must be included in the abstract too.

Submission procedure

Abstracts need to be sent to

EMAIL SUBJECT must be: ABSTRACT 2024. If your file is too large to attach it to an email, please send the email with the correct subject (ABSTRACT 2024) and in the text of the email explain how you are going to send the file, e.g. sharing with dropbox, or through WeTransfer ( or shared on OneDrive or any other means to share the file.

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